Trans-European Alpine Route

Trans-European Alpine Route

Across Europe on foot from East to West


From Cape Emine on the Black Sea in the East to Cape Finisterre on the Atlantic Ocean in the West, the TEAR pieces together over 30 named trails through the mountains.

16 Countries

In order, Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Italy, France, Andorra, Spain.

1 Hiking Season

Starting in spring on April 24th, I walked for 6 and a half months, finishing on November 5th.

About the TEAR

The Trans-European Alpine Route (TEAR) is an unofficial hiking route put together by Dylan Ivens, which he hiked in 2019. The main idea behind this route is to cross the entirety of Europe, whilst trying to remain in the mountains where feasible. Dylan has an great website that does an excellent job of describing and showcasing the route. If you are interested in reading more, I highly recommend you take a look there.

The Route

This map shows the route I actually hiked in 2022 including side trips.

More Photos

I uploaded extra photos from my hike to this Google Photos album.

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