Day 172 – 175
Day 172 – 175

Day 172 – 175

Km 5347 to km 5527, Leintz Gatzaga (Spain) to Quintanilla de Valdebodres (Spain).

Day 172

12/10/2022 – 35km

Farm tracks and country roads. For the most part it was quick, easy and pleasant, but every now and then there were some muddy sections that really slowed things down. The forecast is good for the next days, so I’m looking forward to a little bit of sun.

I’m happy to be staying in a hut tonight with a decent meal. There are lots of animals roaming around outside and I’ve had the time to do some quick poorly proportioned sketches.

Day 173

13/10/2022 – 42km

This morning my trekking pole was gone. There was a large group at the hut when I arrived yesterday, so I think that one of them must have taken it by accident. I didn’t realise until today. The hut warden was very nice and gave my a wooden walking stick he had, as well as providing me with a saw to cut it down to the length required for my tent. He also gave me a block of local cheese as an apology.

Despite the loss of pole, it was a really nice day. Much better weather, and some incredible scenery as you can see in the photos.

I did another big resupply in the town of Izarra, my next stop is 177km away. This meant I finally had to say goodbye to my yellow Altras that I’ve been using since Valence (almost 1500km ago) and start using the black ones I bought in Pamplona.

Day 174

14/10/2022 – 45km

Today was how I imagined Spain. Dusty trails, old villages and the sun beating down from a bright blue sky.

It was blissfully quiet countryside, and although I was often on roads, I barely saw any cars and was only accompanied by birdsong.

Day 175

15/10/2022 – 45km

Another hot day, and I’m making good progress. More rolling countryside.

Every now and then a village will have a small bar, and it’s a great chance to take a break, drink a cold coke and get a bite to eat of something different.

I also saw some interesting creatures today, a small adder/viper, a large praying mantis and a crayfish (perhaps the wrong name, the small lobster-like things that live in freshwater).

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