Day 184 – 187
Day 184 – 187

Day 184 – 187

Km 5825 to km 5978, Nava (Spain) to La Mesa (Spain).

Day 184

24/10/2022 – 37km

My route (the GR105) followed a low ridge the whole way from Nava to Oviedo, giving me a good view of the surrounding countryside.

So here I am in Oviedo, at the start of the Camino Primitivo. It feels like the final chapter. The big mountains and wilderness are behind me and I’m looking forward to experiencing a different kind of trail, sleeping in albergues every night and getting to know my fellow pilgrims.

Day 185

25/10/2022 – 37km

A good first day on the camino. I really enjoyed the novelty of having such a well marked trail, and not having to double check my phone gps every five minutes.

Tonight’s albergue is in a beautiful rundown old monastery. It seems that they’ve been fighting to get the connecting church protected/restored, but haven’t had much success.

Day 186

26/10/2022 – 43km

Cruising along on auto pilot. Enjoying the simple countryside. Watching life in rural Spain as it goes about its day.

The other (2) pilgrims at tonight’s hostel only speak Spanish, and I speak nary a full sentence unfortunately.

Day 187

27/10/2022 – 36km

I passed the high point of the Primitivo. At around 1120m it’s not much compared to the way behind me. The successively lowering peaks are just another reminder that I’m drawing close to the end.

The last couple of days I’ve been listening to talks from Alan Watts. It feels fitting for the spirit of a pilgrimage.

Given the nice weather today I considered camping, but the strong winds disabused me of that notion. I think the rain starts tomorrow, so that will make it easier for me to just accept that it makes sense to sleep indoors.


  1. Stamati Crook

    Hi Ben. lovely photos. my wife kathy wants to do the camino Santiago someday and loves a signpost with a shell on it. I have been marvelling at your spirit undertaking such a great walk. glad to see you progressing faultlessly to the coast. shout thalassa thalassa when you see the sea !

  2. uwe

    Hallo Ben. Ich schreibe dir wie versprochen auf deutsch. Auch wenn es kurz vor Schluss deiner Wanderung ist. Schade ist das ich deine Texte nur ein bisschen verstehe aber ich habe an deinen schönen Bildern meine Freunde gehabt. Ich war nicht immer aktuell habe dich aber trotzdem nicht vergessen. Ich finde es super das du trotz der Probleme die du hattest die Wanderung zu Ende machst denn du weißt nur fertige Sachen zählen.😂 Ich freue mich wenn wir uns wieder sehen und du mir so einiges erzählen kannst. Bleib auf den letzten Kilometern gesund und bis bald Uwe Ps Ich bin stolz auf dich

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