Spain Reroute
Spain Reroute

Spain Reroute

In January, whilst messaging with Dylan, he mentioned a possible alternative route through the Cantabrian Mountains that he’d been working on. This new route follows the watershed divide for longer. Rather than heading for Oviedo and the Camino Primitivo, it traces a more remote route through the mountains to the south. It only adds about 19km, but it will be tougher and slower, however hopefully more in the spirit of staying in the mountains.

Armed with my new route, I then needed to update a few things. Most importantly I needed to scan along the route in google maps and look for likely resupply options. Of course not everything is on google, so I hope to find some better information when I’m there. I then modified the resupply document by adding the new resupply stops and calculating the new estimates. I’ve left in the previous resupply stops in grey, for reference or in case I end up taking the original route (which I’m not currently planning).

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